Thursday, April 14, 2022

Making Santa-Tac-Toe part 4 of 4

Part 4: Building the GUI

 In the previous parts, we created the core game logic and the AI agents that play the game. This was probably the most difficult part of this project, and we would not have a game without this work. Unfortunately, the part of the project that users care about is the user interface as this is what they see. User interface code tends to be bulky but simple so for this chapter we are just going to summarize what the classes that make up the user interface do and how they work together. For those readers are interested in detailed code, the source code is located at

As is common, the graphics for the game are all combined into an image file known as an image atlas. A scaled down version of the atlas image is shown below. As can be seen, all of the screens and the messages are images for this game to make things really quick. The downside to this approach opposed to programmatically building the display from simpler pieces is that the images are much larger and use up more space. For this simple game, the costs of a longer image loading time is more than offset by the improved performance and simplicity in coding.

All the image bounds and positioning information is stored in an object called STTConsts. Using an object to hold all the games constants keeps tuning information all in one area, making for an easy way to configure things.  In addition to placement information, the config also holds button configuration, enumerations, and AI settings for the two different opponents. A more general configuration file would probably want to avoid non-JSON data types for security and maintainability reasons.

Our game is screen based, with the STTMain class handling switching and controlling the screens. Having all screens controlled by a common host has the added, but not utilized here, advantage of being able to share messages and state information between screens. Screens used in the game share a common class creatively named Screen. This class has two utility methods to ease the UI requirements of the game. The createButton(label, bounds) method creates and adds a button to the display list. Likewise, createImage(atlasEntry, position=null) retrieves an image from the image atlas and displays it at the specified location.

The LoadingScreen class is the initial screen that is shown. loading screen only one which doesn’t use images from the atlas but instead displays a loading message until image atlas has been loaded. Once the image atlas has been loaded, the TitleScreen class is used to display the title. It has buttons to switch to the InstructionsScreen or one of two instances of the SelectScreen class. The InstructionsScreen simply displays three images that make up the instructions.

The SelectScreen has parameters for setting the background image and labels to allow both Santa and Krampus to present level options to the player. This determines which AI and which instance of the GameScreen will be called.

As with the SelectScreen, the GameScreen has configurable images so Santa and Krampus have their own screens. The game screen uses the STTTile class which uses images of Santa for X and Krampus for O which are displayed in the board. Game state messages are displayed as a comic-book dialog bubble at the top of the screen. Finally, the PlayAgainPrompt class is used to prompt the player if they want to play again once the game is over.

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