Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Storage Directives

One of the things that writing an assembler clearly gets into a person’s head is how machine language is just bytes. Manipulating bytes is the job of machine language and to do that it needs bytes to work with. I was going to create three directives for setting up data for a program: .BYTE, .JUMPTABLE, .WORD but I realized that if I allow for labels to be used on a .WORD statement then there is no need to have a separate declarative for .JUMPTABLE so have decided to go with .BYTE and .WORD with a jumptable simply being a special case of the word directive.

The format for the .Byte directive is:
 .BYTE byte [byte…]

The bytes after the declaration should be numbers or variables. I was undecided if labels should also be supported, so opted to allow labels but only use the low order byte of the label. For the Atari 2600 this would actually be useful as all of it’s RAM is located in zero page.

The format for .WORD is the same but with words instead of bytes. The numbers are stored with a low byte followed by a high byte so will always take up two bytes. Labels are natural for this as are numbers and variables. The test for implementing this is as follows:

.BANK 0 $1000 1024
.EQU two 2
.EQU fivesix $0605
     LDA bytes  ; make sure labels to .byte data works
     LDA words  ; make sure labels to .word data works
bytes: .BYTE 1 two 3 4
words: .WORD fivesix $0807 $0A09
     BRK  ; make sure can continue assembly generation after data

The implementation for both directives are similar so I am only showing the word directive here. The idea is to simply loop over all the tokens after the declaration until we come to a token that is not a number or label obviously stopping when we run out of tokens.

"WORD" -> {
     var validEntry = true
     while ((indx < tokens.size) and (validEntry)) {

As explained last time, variables use labels but replace them immediately instead of linking them in later. This means that we need to replace labels with variable token if they are variables, which is just a map lookup.

           if (tokens[indx].type == AssemblerTokenTypes.LABEL_LINK) {
                val varToken = variableList.get(tokens[indx].contents)
                if (varToken != null)
                     tokens[indx] = varToken

We take advantage of Kotlin to get a value for the word we are going to add. If it is a number (or variable that was converted to a number token above) then we just use that number. If it is a label, we need to add a label link to the appropriate address and use 0 as a placeholder until the half-pass of the assembly occurs. While the way Kotlin returns values for if and when statements looks strange at first, it is actually a really nice feature. There is an extra else statement that handles the cases where there is a symbol that is not used at which point we stop processing the directive.

           val wordToAdd = if (tokens[indx].type == AssemblerTokenTypes.NUMBER) tokens[indx].num
           else if (tokens[indx].type == AssemblerTokenTypes.LABEL_LINK) {
                addLabel(AssemblerLabel(tokens[indx].contents, AssemblerLabelTypes.ADDRESS, currentBank.curAddress, currentBank.number))
           } else {
                validEntry = false

At this point we make sure we have a valid number to add to the generated machine language and if not do nothing for now. It might be an idea to add some type of warning here because it is bad form to have the data followed by something else. Converting the number to a high and low byte is something that has already been covered so should be a familiar procedure at this point.

           if (validEntry) {
                currentBank.writeNextByte(wordToAdd and 255)
                currentBank.writeNextByte((wordToAdd / 256) and 255)

And now we have data! If you wanted to use unsupported codes, this is how you would add them to your assembly source file, though our emulator probably won’t be supporting those.  We now have everything that we need our assembler to do, and then some! Macros, however, would be nice but are they worth the effort to add? Find out next time!

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